Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Special Effects in Animation and Live-Action

My first two term paper scores were both above 80; I will not be writing a third term paper.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Outline of the Third Term Paper

INTRO: Scale models and CGI can be easily spotted when water effects not done well. Careful attention must be paid to not violating the laws of physics. Otherwise it can lead to very unnatural looking dynamics of the natural phenomena.

Clash Of The Titans (1981) 

Water effects done poorly: In large amounts water does not separate in to blobs like that. It stays together in large conglomerations with fine spray off the top when high winds are present; this is clearly a scale model.

Perfect Storm (2000)

Water effects done well: Water holding together, large waves with small period, fine spray of the crests due to high wind; good CGI. No Awkward looking chunks flying around.

CONCLUSION: For realistic looking water effects one must take in to account the correct spectral range for the given amount of water and its velocity. The key is getting the correct balance between the inertial and viscous forces that govern fluid dynamics.

Stop-Motion Character Animation


- Drew maze
- Built character
- Shot 179 frames with SLR
- Made 4 scenes in Dragonframe
- Combined scenes in Lightworks


- Character runs tough the maze
- Character gets on to electrical outlet
- Character lights up

Better quality version on VIMEO here: